Let's Ask Maggie!: Penny Loafers, No Socks? WHY?!

Dear Maggie,

Shouldn't men wear f-ing socks? All these guys this summer are wearing skinny dress pants and penny loafers with no socks. Can this possibly be fashion? The man sitting next to me is wearing a pink shirt, navy khakis, a Cordovan belt that matches his Cordovan loafers AND NO SOCKS. He planned this outfit! What gives?

CW, Brooklyn, NY

Dear CW,

I like the passion in your question! The sockless penny loafer has been going strong at different fashionable points since at least the 1960's. Sounds like the man sitting next to you is CRUSHING this style. Personally, when I saw the trend coming round again,  I assumed it was a throwback to some dudes dad's coke fueled days in finance in the 80's. Since that assumption is 99% incorrect I did a little more digging. Penny loafers are traditionally a casual summer shoe. If worn during the day with khakis, like your example above, the shoes are worn without socks. If they were worn with socks it would be like wearing a pair of socks with Birkenstocks--not cool.

So, babe, I'm sorry to deliver the bad news: this is a classic, totally acceptable, fashionable men's trend that will probably last until the end of time. (I won't lie; I'm into it)

I also made a Pinterest board, titled: Men in Penny Loafers No Socks. The dudes are so handsome in these pins that I almost felt like I was creating a fetish board. So, readers, if that's your thing: you're welcome!

How do you guys feel about the no socks and penny loafers? Yay or Nay? Sound off in the comments below! And as always drop us a line or a tweet if you'd like for your fashion question to be answered!

With love,


Let's Ask Maggie!: Fashionable or comfortable and confident?

Dear Maggie,

In general, my attitude toward my personal fashion is "I do what I want!" and I think I pull off most outfits (or at least I don't look like shit), but I don't think I'm very good at being trendy or classic or anything remotely stylish. So what is more important, in your opinion: being actually fashionable, or being comfortable and confident? Is my #winning attitude actually the accessory I'm counting on it to be? (*disclaimer: I spend a shitload of time in construction gear, but I don't count any of that as remotely fashionable).

Rachel  B., Chattanooga, TN

Hi, Rachel!

This is probably my favorite question that has ever been submitted to Let's Ask Maggie!. So #braggingrights on that! I feel you on the "I do what I want!" mantra. My family can tell you I came out of the womb with that attitude.

Let's break your fashionable vs. comfortable and confident question down one step further. I don't think it's an either or, I do however, believe that CONFIDENCE is the most important fashion element. So, your #winning attitude really is the accessory you hoped it would be! Congratulations! :)

For you, comfort makes you confident, for others it might be a 4" stiletto or a dusty pair of Wranglers. You can pull any look off as long as you feel good while you're wearing it. (Know your audience too. Don't show up to a black tie affair in a tank top and cutoffs because I said confidence is what's important.) 

When working with an individual client I have the client go through their closet and individually pull garments out to show me. I do this so that I can see their expression as they hold the piece. If their face looks like they just ate a handful of lemon Sour Patch Kids that item goes right into the give away bin. If that is how they felt holding it, how on earth did they feel wearing it?! 

I'll also let you in on a little secret: even stylists make mistakes. It doesn't happen to me often but I can tell you right now, if I put together an outfit, leave my apartment, and realize later in the day that I hate it, or it feels weird, or it's just not right for whatever reason, I will go home and change before I head to a meeting or an event. It is hard enough to walk into a room full of strangers without feeling like I look terrible on top of it. If I'm in something I feel my best in, by the end of the night everyone in that room will be my best friend. If I walk in wearing something I hate I'll just stand to the side the entire night bored. Clothes have more power to them than most of us realize. My greatest hope is that you have a closet full of clothes that only help you exude confidence and that you have the courage to rid yourself of the things that do not. 

In the meantime, continue to rock that construction gear!

How about you, readers? What is most important to you? Fashion? Comfort? Confidence? Give me the scoop in the comments below!

With love,


PS don't forget to send in those questions here to Let's Ask Maggie! Don't you want *the* ultimate bragging right that *your* question was featured? And as always follow us on twitter @letsaskmaggie 


Let's Ask Maggie!: What should I wear to the apocalypse?

 Dear Maggie,

What should I wear to the apocalypse? If the world ends, I want to look like I haven't just let myself go but also be practical, you know? Any fashion tips for hunkering down?

Natalie, Richmond, VA

Dear Natalie,

Earlier today I read someone's Facebook re-post which stated that the world was set to end before January 2017, you know, according to some really smart and reliable computer somewhere. Just in case the calculations were correct I had to respond to you ASAP. 

In my opinion there are two camps (thus two Pinterest boards): 1. look fab, die middle aged (my camp) or 2. I'm not going out easy camp. For camp 1 I'm thinking furs, diamonds, cigarettes, and champagne. Nothing practical because you're ready for it to be over with already--might as well look fab and die gorgeous. For camp two I'm thinking Hunter rain boots, tank, aviators, khaki fishing vest--but fashionable in that preppy way. Things you can survive in for a while off of the grid but also look damn good. 

What do you think dear readers? What would you wear if you knew the exact date that the world was going to end? 

With love,


PS The holidays are nearly here! Hit me up if you have any questions about how to dress for your event. I also have a few sessions left for bookings before New Year's if you'd like to hire me for a one-on-one session in person or via Skype. Holler at me!  (Yes, I did just write that. Yes, I am embarrassed for myself.)