Let's Ask Maggie!: The First Anniversary Edition Part 1
My dearest readers,
Thank you for such a successful first year! So many wonderful things have come along in the last 12 months. I've read each of your questions and hope to answer all of them over the coming months. I had to pull back from writing weekly because--things were blowing up over here: wardrobe edits, wedding dress consultations, personal styling appointments, editorial shoots, Sharon + Jerome launched (just two dinosaurs trying to live their truth in NYC), I wrote an article for Honeysuckle Magazine, and coming soon to a domain near you I'll be launching an annual zine that will serve as a love letter to fashion, music, art, and literature. If you would like to contribute to this zine submissions are open until October 1, 2017. For more information email me here.
Last year's very first Let's Ask Maggie! was a question about red lipstick written in by Katherine of Astoria, Queens. I reached out to Katherine to ask her if she had any updates or anything she would like to add in honor of this historic occasion. Katherine's response, "So exciting! I would like to say that your lipstick answer helped me out and I used your advice today to compliment a cooler red outfit. Also, I feel really powerful when I wear red lipstick. Thanks for asking and congrats on your anniversary!" Thanks, Katherine! I'm so glad I was able to help you! and I LOVE that you're able to feel powerful while wearing red: CRUSH IT WOMAN!
So, that's what's been going on around here the last year. What about you guys? What have you been up to? How has Let's Ask Maggie! helped you out? What would you like to see done differently? I'm open to suggestions. Sound off below!
Tomorrow I'll be back with the latest Let's Ask Maggie!
With (lots of) love,