Friday Inspiration January 24, 2020
From: Duckworth, Maggie
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2020 6:08 PM
Subject: RE: Friday Inspiration January 24, 2020
Dear Friends,
I’m so glad I got to spend part of my morning with you. I enjoyed hearing about Michelle Little’s work experiences and loved the side chat that was happening. Who knew trashy TV would be the thing that brought such unity?
My trash TV confession: General Hospital. I watch it on Hulu whenever I get a chance. When I was little my parents worked and my sister and I stayed with my grandparents. Everyday at 3 pm in the summer we were snapping green beans and watching General Hospital. A lot about my life has changed since those days but General Hospital remains the one constant. Aside from GH, and the Bachelor, and Real Housewives—any other TV you guys can’t get enough of?
Big shout out to Becca Palmer! She came over a couple of days ago with poke bowls and bubble teas and we plotted out the next few months of Women of ESG. (We are open to suggestions let us know if there’s anything you’d like to see!) So happy she’s agreed to partner with me on this adventure.
Correction I should note—when Becca first started she was the only female engineer at Heil. ESG has hired more female engineers.
Thank you Ashley Waggoner for being our spotlight employee. It was fun to get to know you better and I loved your idea for the addition of a gourmet chef to the team. If only!
And a HUGE thank you to Michelle Little of Waste Connections for speaking with us today. I appreciated that her personality trait (being a straight shooter) is what she attributes to her success. I feel like mine is the ability to connect with people and facilitate connections for others. What’s yours?
For a bit of good news: I read this article last week and it made my heart happy. It’s about a little boy who could have had a t-shirt that said anything: Roll Tide, I NY, Spiderman, but instead he asked his mom to make a shirt for him that said, “I will be your friend” for all of the kids that don’t have a friend. What a kind spirit.
This article, “These 5 Brain Hacks Helped Me Get Six-Pack Abs. And They Can Help You Crush Any Goal You Set for Yourself” has a ridiculous title, but has some thoughts with merit:
2. Use the 10-minute rule. Sometimes, the thought of launching into a 40-minute weight lifting session seemed overwhelming. I was certain I didn't have the energy to do it. To get myself moving, I used the 10-minute rule. I agreed to work out for 10 minutes. Once I got to the 10-minute mark, I could decide if I wanted to keep going. And if I didn't, I'd give myself permission to quit. I never quit though. Once I got to the 10-minute mark, I was able to keep going every time. It was proof that starting is often the hardest part. Once you get moving, it's easier to keep going.
I’ve never called it the 10-minute rule before but I find myself doing this often in life when a huge task is a head of me. What do you do when you have a big project? How do you stay sane and motivated?
What are you guys doing this weekend? Hope it’s fun!
Talk soon,